Saturday, June 19, 2010

A Few Words on Motivation and Focus

After posting a comment on someone else's blog this week about how I found that when I was competing in martial arts that all the training improved my productivity at school; this has been my worst and most unproductive week in my work life.

This week I have had a problem sleeping and have only been grabbing a few hours per night. Once at work, I work as correctional case manager. My job is to give guidance, encouragement, support, and program referrals (NA, AA, GED, ETC) to maximum security inmates. I have 80 inmates I am responsible for. The other portion of my job consists of coordinating a program we call incentive wage. This means that I am responsible for all the inmate jobs in my prison. I do not do the direct hiring or supervision, but I maintain lists of eligible inmates, coordinate training, OSHA paperwork, and audit the payroll. 

Last week, I was able to see all of my inmates but had not put their case notes in the computer. This week I have only put in 5 of the case notes Every morning I assign new inmates to jobs, but it took me until today to file their paperwork. I have no drive to anything but keep my office door closed and stare on my monitor. I can not figure out if this is burn out, if my give a damn is broken, lack of sleep, lack of challenge, or what. I feel it is not laziness because I have made all of my core workouts this week. Yes, I have missed some workouts but I have hit all my main runs, bikes, and swims for the week, I consider most everything else extra. Except for maybe 2 weight workouts.  I clocked 36 hours this week and have only worked for about 4 of them.

Since I can't figure out what I need to get back in gear, I will send a salute to the people who have helped me pass the other 32 hours by. First to the blogs with giveaways, AMBP at Dangle the Carrot, a ROAD ID at My Reason to Run, and the camera at Tech-Tri. I also salute fat cyclisti'm a sleeper baker, Tri Diesel, ,Dirt Rag,,,, and If I can't convince you..... Although you were not able to make me more productive at the things that I get paid to do, you gave me things to think about other than stabbing myself in the eye with a plastic spork.

1 comment:

Big Daddy Diesel said...

I am glad my nonsense provides you quality entertainment, I hate to be watching the news and see an sporking incident leaves a man in critical condition